---Downloaded files--- The import files for: The League Demo Import were successfully downloaded! Initial max execution time = 900 Files info: Site URL = Data file = /var/www/html/wordpress/public_html/wp-content/themes/the-league/import/theleague.xml Widget file = /var/www/html/wordpress/public_html/wp-content/themes/the-league/import/theleague.wie Customizer file = not defined! Redux files: not defined! ---Importing widgets--- Homepage Widget Area : The League: Home Cat List Widget - Soccer - Imported The League: Ad Widget - No Title - Imported The League: Tag Feat Widget - Baseball - Imported The League: Ad Widget - No Title - Imported Homepage Sidebar Widget Area : The League: Ad Widget - No Title - Imported The League: Sidebar Tabber Widget - No Title - Imported The League: Contributors Widget - Contributors - Imported Default Sidebar Widget Area : The League: Ad Widget - No Title - Imported The League: Sidebar Tabber Widget - No Title - Imported Post/Page Sidebar Widget Area : The League: Ad Widget - No Title - Imported The League: Tag Feat Widget - Must See - Imported WooCommerce Sidebar Widget Area : woocommerce_widget_cart - Cart - Site does not support widget woocommerce_product_categories - Categories - Site does not support widget woocommerce_price_filter - Filter by price - Site does not support widget woocommerce_top_rated_products - Top Rated Products - Site does not support widget SportsPress Sidebar Widget Area : The League: Ad Widget - No Title - Imported sportspress-event-blocks - Last Game - Site does not support widget sportspress-league-table - Standings - Site does not support widget ---pt-ocdi/after_import---